Feminist Objects and Creative Writing
Item set
Diffractive Analysis
Photograph of objects related to the 'Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities' team creative writing session, held at the University of Sussex, Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, June 2023, facilated by Sarah Lee. Team members were asked to bring along an object that represented their journey in the Full Stack Feminism project. -
The Fabrication of the Border
Photograph of objects related to the 'Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities' team creative writing session, held at the University of Sussex, Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, June 2023, facilated by Sarah Lee. Team members were asked to bring along an object that represented their journey in the Full Stack Feminism project. -
Labour, Ethics of care and Everyday Objects
Photograph of objects related to the 'Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities' team creative writing session, held at the University of Sussex, Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, June 2023, facilated by Sarah Lee. Team members were asked to bring along an object that represented their journey in the Full Stack Feminism project. -
Creative Writing Prompts and Responses
This PDF contains the written responses generated by team members during a creative writing session facilated by Sarah Lee. -
The Discomfort of a Digital Home
Photograph of objects related to the 'Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities' team creative writing session, held at the University of Sussex, Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, June 2023, facilated by Sarah Lee. Team members were asked to bring along an object that represented their journey in the Full Stack Feminism project. -
Running Order and Outline of Creative Writing Workshop
PDF document which provides an outline of the creative writing session held at the Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, at the University of Sussex. -
Writing Together Excercise - Writing Prompts
PDF document which provides details of writing prompts for the Full Stack Feminism creative writing workshop, held at the Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, at the University of Sussex. -
Written responses to feminist objects - by Sharon Webb
PDF containing Sharon Webb's written responses to three objects brought by team members of Full Stack Feminism to the creative writing session, held at the University of Sussex, Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, June 2023, facilated by Sarah Lee. Team members were asked to bring along an object that represented their journey in the Full Stack Feminism project. -
Connections with Feminism and the Sea
Photograph of objects related to the 'Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities' team creative writing session, held at the University of Sussex, Sussex Digital Humanities Lab, June 2023, facilated by Sarah Lee. Team members were asked to bring along an object that represented their journey in the Full Stack Feminism project.