Manifestations Exhibition

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Manifestations Exhibition


Manifestations was a group exhibition featuring work by ten artists working within or adjacent to the digital arts, exploring themes such as Trans revolutions, sex work, the disabled body and queer futures.
The exhibition is an outcome of the Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (FSFDH) research project and was curated by Laurence Hill, a doctoral researcher at the University of Sussex.
Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities is jointly funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Irish Research Council (2021-24). It is a trans and inter disciplinary research project tasked with developing an intersectional feminist framework for digital arts and humanities (DH) practice and research, which FSF evolved from a number of initiatives and networks, including FACT/// (Feminist Approaches to Computational Technology Network, 2018-24), and the IRC-AHRC funded network, IFTe (Intersections, Feminism, Technology and Digital Humanities, 2020-21). It responds to calls within DH and broader fields to take action against bias and implicit, as well as explicit, forms discrimination that manifest in our digital worlds and technologies.
The curation of Manifestations has been prompted by three interrelated concerns. Firstly, it responds to one of the research project’s central questions, which concerns the benefits of the decentring of ‘traditional’ voices in the digital arts and humanities. Secondly, to the curator’s research into ethical curatorial activism and curation as an act of care. And finally, to the interests he developed for the Messy Edge conference for Brighton Digital Festival, showcasing the strengths of bringing together artists and thinkers who are less often seen in this context.
The exhibition was entitled Manifestations for two primary reasons. The Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities project seeks to foreground intersectional feminist thinking in its research, and that is reflected in the artists and work selected for the exhibition. These ideas can often seem somewhat abstract and difficult to grasp, but the work seen here embodies those abstract ideas and manifests them in concrete ways that can be considered and explored by the viewer


Laurence Hill: Digital Curator on Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (University of Sussex)
Sharon Webb: UK PI for Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (University of Sussex)
Cécile Chevalier: Co-I for Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (University of Sussex)
Irene Fubara-Manuel: Co-I for Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (University of Sussex)
Jeneen Naji: Irish PI for Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (Maynooth University)
Katherine Nolan: Co-I for for Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (Technical University Dublin)


Sept. 2023


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